JAXA & DLR Joint mission on MMX (Full information) | My Views??


  1. Mr. Hitoshi Kuninaka ( Vice-President of JAXA), Mr. Hansjorg Dittus & Mr. Walther Pelzer ( Members of DLR) met at Paris Airshow in France on June 18,2019 to sign an agreement.
  2. Both agencies will work together on the MMX mission.

JAXA ( Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency) & DLR ( German Aerospace Center) both have agreed to work together on JAXA's Martian moon exploration mission i.e MMX. MMX will carry a German-French rover that will land on either of the two moons which are Phobos & Deimos.


Mission Overview

MMX is a mission to explore two moons of mars which are Phobos & Deimos. It will try to collect surface materials of the moon & will try to bring it back to earth.
There are many theories behind the origin of Martian moons but two theories are very famous which are:-
  1. Moons of Mars are asteroids that were captured in the orbit when Mars was formed. 
  2. These moons are actually fragments scattered by a giant collision on Mars. 
This mission will help us in verifying which of these theories is true and the best.
Image of the Phobos
Image of the Phobos

Launch Time

The launch of MMX is not fixed currently but it is scheduled to be launched in the mid-2020s ( most probably in the year 2024). It will enter Mars orbit in the year 2025 (expected) & will return with samples to earth in the year 2029.
Credits - JAXA
The team behind the MMX mission


The objectives of this mission are divided into two major categories which are Science & Engineering.


  1. To find out the origin of Martian moons & to know more about the formation of planets in our solar system.
  2. To know more about the evolution of the Martian sphere.


  1. To test & verify the technologies required for the return trip between Mars & Earth.
  2. To establish advanced sampling techniques on celestial bodies.
  3. To establish the optimal communication technologies required for the mission & future using a newly developed ground station.

Also, watch :


I think it's a similar kind of mission like Hayabusa which was carried out on the asteroid Ryugu, But this mission is far more important as from last 10-20 years we are trying our best to know more about Mars & everything related to it. If in future we want to establish our colonies on Mars then we need to know about every minute detail.

JAXA & DLR Joint mission on MMX (Full information) | My Views?? JAXA & DLR Joint mission on MMX  (Full information) | My Views?? Reviewed by Kanish Thakur on June 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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